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The professor Hélène Brives

Hélène Brives
Associate professor in Sociology


Sociology, knowledge and action, off farms work organization

Research Unit
Studies Rural Laboratory


Sociology, advice and guidance, knowledge and action, off farms work organization


Ongoing research projects or lately completed

  •  Co-leader of the group Collective work organisations in the territories of the Réseau Mixte Technologique Travail en Agriculture (Joint Technology Network on Work in Agriculture), 2020-2024
  • REACTIFFS: Renewal of labor and careers in upstream and downstream professions in SIQO cheese sectors (PEI, FEADER, 2023-2026)
  • Be-CREATIVE: Co-design of pesticide-free territories (ANR, 2019-2025)
  • TRAACT, Transitions in agricultural and food systems: support, experimentation and capitalisation in communities  (TETRAE, 2022- 2027)
  • Work and Ecology, Ecological transition and the supply of agricultural raw materials: opportunities or constraints for working conditions (ANACT, 2023-2024)


Teaching activities

  • Qualitative survey research
  • Sociology of Innovation in Agriculture, extension
  • Sciences studies
  • Experiences of working,  work organisations and quality of work life

Professional experiences and studies

  • 2013-2020 Associate professor in Sociology at Isara (Lyon)
  • 2003-2013 Associate professor in Sociology at AgroParisTech (Paris)
  • 2001-2003 Research scientist (contract position) at INRA of Saint Laurent de la Prée, Charente Maritime
  • 2001 PhD in Sociology at Paris X-Nanterre University. « Technic as Agency ». Farming advisors and water pollution in Bretagne.
  • 1990 Engineer degree at Nationale des Ingénieurs des Travaux Agricoles de Dijon

Latest publications


Journal articles


Anna Hirson-Sagalyn, Lucy Zwigard, Hélène Brives, Maude Quinio, Caroline Champailler, et al.. Fruit production without synthetic chemical inputs in the Pilat, challenges and prospects for change. Innovations Agronomiques, 2024, 93, pp.69-81. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2024-Vol93-art06-GB⟩. ⟨hal-04771521⟩
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Anna Hirson-Sagalyn, Lucy Zwigard, Hélène Brives, Maude Quinio, Caroline Champailler, et al.. Une arboriculture sans produits phytosanitaires de synthèse dans le Pilat, verrouillages et perspectives de transformation. Innovations Agronomiques, 2024, 93, pp.93-107. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2024-vol93-art08⟩. ⟨hal-04583002⟩
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Philippe Prévost, Marianne Le Bail, Teatske Bakker, Sophie Chauvat, Hélène Brives, et al.. Travail agricole et transition agroécologique : quelles interactions, quels impacts et quelles conséquences pour l'agronomie et les agronomes ? [éditorial]. Agronomie, Environnement & Sociétés, 2024, 14 (1), pp.1-6. ⟨hal-04774312⟩
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Aurélie Cardona, Helene Brives, Claire Lamine, Jacques Godet, Lucie Gouttenoire, et al.. Les appuis de l’action collective mobilisés dans les transitions agroécologiques. Enseignements de l’analyse de cinq collectifs d’agriculteurs en Rhône-Alpes. Cahiers Agricultures, 2021, 30, pp.21. ⟨10.1051/cagri/2021007⟩. ⟨hal-03198890⟩
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Hélène Brives-Beaume, Claire Heinisch, Mathieu Désolé, Carole Chazoule, Perrine Vandenbroucke. Le développement de filières locales est-il gage d’une écologisation des pratiques agricoles ?. Développement durable et territoires, 2020, 11 (1), ⟨10.4000/developpementdurable.16546⟩. ⟨hal-03697681⟩
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Paola Migliorini, Alexander Wezel, Eve Veromann, Carola Strassner, Dominika Średnicka-Tober, et al.. Students’ knowledge and expectations about sustainable food systems in higher education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2020, 21 (6), pp.1087-1110. ⟨10.1108/IJSHE-12-2019-0356⟩. ⟨hal-03702424⟩
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Conference papers


Laure Courret, Hélène Brives, Perrine Vandenbroucke, Claire Delfosse. Se faire une place en élevage bovin lait : étude de vingt trajectoires d’installation dans le
Rhône et la Loire. Colloque de la SFER, SFER - ESA, Jun 2024, Angers (France), France. ⟨hal-04646796⟩
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Maeva Cremilleux, Christophe Berthelot, Yulia Bitkova, Hélène Brives. What strategies should be adopted, for water management, to ensure the sustainability of mountain cheese production in the face of climate change?. 3rd Mountain Livestock Farming Systems Meeting, EAAP-European Federation of Animal Science, Jun 2024, Clermont - Ferrand, France. ⟨hal-04646943⟩
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Nicolas J. Giraud, Hélène Brives, Laurent Hazard. From individual experience to shareable... and shared knowledge: the case of the development of crop-livestock interactions in Aude. 15th IFSA Conference, International Farming System Association, Jul 2024, Trapani, Italy. ⟨hal-04646766⟩
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Nicolas J. Giraud, Hélène Brives, Laurent Hazard. From practice-based evidence to evidence-based practice: how to close the loop?. 26th European Seminar on Extension & Education (ESEE), 26th ESEE community - INRAE, Jul 2023, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-04646716⟩
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