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The Professor Caroline Brand

BRAND Caroline

Caroline Brand
Associate professor in geography


  • Operationalizing the food transition in territories
  • Innovations and transitions in territorial food systems and policies
  • Food justice
  • Agro-ecological urbanism (DeTor, 2019)
  • Urban Food Planning
  • Inter-territorial cooperation

Research Unit
Studies Rural Laboratory


Food system, food governance, metropolization, urbanism, public policy, territorial transaction, territorial reciprocity.

Current projects

  • ISARA-Lyon Metropolis Agreement – Action 2 “support for the development of a sustainable and inclusive food policy
  • RECIBIODAL : Reciprocity at the crossroads of city and mountain: landscapes of biodiversity and food
  • NSAD – Nouvelles Solidarités alimentaires pour la Démocratie : collaborative research on food democratization processes for Villeurbanne inhabitants.

Teaching activities

  • Survey methods in social sciences (3rd year and optional module in 4th year applied to the study of food behaviours and their determinants)
  • Dynamics and challenges of food systems: a social science perspective (3rd year)
  • Food and Cities (4th year optional unit)
  • Territorial food governance (5th year)
  • Feeding an urban world: changes and perspectives for more sustainable food systems (Summerschool Agrocecoly, sustainable agriculture and food systems)

Professional experience and training

  • 2023-  : Head of the teaching module Food and Cities in 4th year engineering course.
  • 2022- : Member of the CRATer scientific committee.
  • 2022- : Member of the scientific committee of the Territoires à Vivres project.
  • 2022- : Member of the PhD committee of Augustin Hautecoeur (Faculty of Architecture LOCI Tournai – UCL Louvain), The food system in the reterritorialization process: New governance and resource specification – Collective canteens as a lever for the narrative of the Lille-Tournai-Kortrijk Eurometropolitan territory in its food scales, flows and issues”.
  • 2021-2022 : Coordination of the “Food” month for the thematic programmation of the Grenoble Green Capital and Transition 2022 Scientific Council, October 2022, Grenoble.
  • 2021-2022 : Coordination of the “Mountain and Food” call for papers for the Journal of Alpine Research.
  • 2020- : Member of the RNPAT technical and scientific committee.
  • 2019- : Head of the UP Social Science Methods: Investigate, Communicate, Manage in 3rd year engineering course.
  • 2019- : Head of UP Méthodologie in 1st year apprentice course.
  • 2019 : Member of the Scientific Committee of the 9th International Conference « Agroecological transitions confronting climate breakdown : food planning for the post-carbon city », « sustainable food planning » group of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) 7-9 novembre 2019, Madrid.
  • 2019 : Post-doc, CNRS, BIOLOREC project « Effects and limits of the introduction of organic and local products in the public food sector in rural areas », Pacte UMR 5194, Grenoble.
  • 2018 : Member of the board of the « sustainable food planning » groupe of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), in charge of the regional coordinations (Center for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (Coventry), Cardiff University, Wagenigen University, Berlin Institute of Technology, Università di Torino, …).
  • 2017 : Post-doc, Pacte UMR 5194, PSDR 4 interregional programme « Urban Forms and Food Governance » Grenoble.
  • 2016 : Coordination of the construction of « Urban Alimentation – Sustainability of Urban Food Systems » financed by Agropolis Fondation, Daniel & Nina Carasso Fondation, Fondazione Cariplo, 2017-2019, Inra – Cirad – Politecnico di Milano. Scientific valorization of urban food policies research projects, Unesco Chair in World Food Systems. Montpellier SupAgro-CIRAD, Montpellier.
  • 2016 : Nomination for the Ph.D prize of the French National Comity of Geography (CNU-CNFG) 2016.
  • 2015 : Ph.D in Geography and Planning, Grenoble-Alpes University, PACTE-UMR 5194 lab, Grenoble, France. Dissertation entitled « Food and metropolisation : rethinking the territory in the light of a forgotten vital issue », under the direction of Prof. Martin Vanier. Merit distinction with the congratulations of the jury.
  • 2013-2015 : Local expert for the City of Lyon, URBACT european programme « Sustainable food in urban communities », Lyon, 2013-2015.
  • 2013 : Temporary Teaching and Research Associate. Institut de Géographie Alpine (IGA), Joseph Fourier University (UJF), Grenoble, 96h.
  • 2011-2015 : professional trainings for teachers and actors in territorial planning and development regarding food issues and policies.
  • 2010-2019 : lecturer in geography, Institut d’Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine (IUGA), Grenoble Alpes University, 218h.
  • 2008 : Master of Geography and Planning, Institute of Alpine Geography, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble. Merit distinction. One semester in the University of Edinburgh (Scotland).

Latest publications


Journal articles


Caroline Brand, Giacomo Pettenati. Montagne et Alimentation : dynamiques et enjeux actuels dans les montagnes européennes. Revue de Géographie Alpine / Journal of Alpine Research, 2023, Numéro spécial "Montagne et Alimentation", 110 (2), pp.1-11. ⟨10.4000/rga.10762⟩. ⟨hal-03969964⟩
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Jennifer Buyck, Aurore Meyfroidt, Caroline Brand, Gabriel Jourdan. Bringing sustainable urban planning down to earth through food: the experience of the food transects of Grenoble and Caen. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 2021, 102, pp.319-347. ⟨10.1007/s41130-021-00147-x⟩. ⟨hal-03265690⟩
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Book sections


Caroline Brand, Mathilde Ferrand, Perrine Vandenbroucke, Claire Delfosse, Simon Vonthron. Se nourrir en territoire difficile : dans les franges urbaines et rurales de l’hexagone. Abis, Sébastien; Brun, Matthieu. Le Déméter 2022. Alimentation : les ouvelles frontières, IRIS éditions, pp.157-164, 2022. ⟨hal-03878414⟩
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Other publications


Caroline Brand, Giacomo Pettenati. Appel à articles RGA Numéro spécial "Montagne et Alimentation" : dynamiques et enjeux actuels dans les montagnes européennes. 2021. ⟨hal-03697753⟩
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Caroline Brand. C’est le retour du « maire nourricier », les collectivités territoriales réorganisent la disponibilité de l'offre alimentaire. 2020. ⟨hal-03697715⟩
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Caroline Brand, Nicolas Bricas, Damien Conaré, Benoît Daviron, Julie Debru, et al.. Designing Urban Food Policies: Concepts and Approaches. Springer International Publishing, 2019, Urban Agriculture (Springer), 978-3-030-13958-2. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-13958-2⟩. ⟨hal-02590657⟩
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