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The Professor Olivier Duchene
Olivier Duchene
Associate professor, Dr in agronomic sciences
Research Unit
Agroecology and environment unit
“My research focuses on the study of agricultural herbaceous plants (individual or plant community) to understand the functioning and dynamic of agroecosystems and their agronomical and ecological properties. One of the main objectives of this work is to drive the diversification and conception of cropping systems less dependent on external inputs, less sensitive to climatic hazards, and more favorable to soil fertility (conceptual framework of agroecology).”
Grain cereals, cover crops, meadows, below and aboveground plant functional traits, agroecosystem functioning, agroecology, codesign
Ongoing research Projects or lately completed
- CULTIVDUR (Pack Ambition Recherche) : Conception and study of novel cropping systems, diversified and sustainable
- ADAPT’EAURA (PEPIT) : Improve water use efficiency of cropping systems in AURA to face increasing water scarcity and climate change (2022-2025)
- AGR’Eau Durable: Experimental program for sustainable agriculture (2022-2025)
- CERPET (CASDAR) : « Perennial grains for an agroecological transition of cropping systems » (2019-2023)
- NAPERDIV (Boidiversa) : « Nature-based perennial grain cropping as a model to safeguard functional biodiversity towards future-proof agriculture » (2020-2023)
- CASTOR: Intercropped cover crops supporting the agroecological transition and the reduction of inputs use. Funding: TERRA ISARA
Teaching activities (bachelor and master degrees)
- System agronomy : Cropping systems design, functioning and diagnosis
- Plant diversity approaches and measurements in agroecosystems and grasslands – Functional ecology
- Diversity, usage and adaptation of grass crops and forages
- Introduction to epistemology and sciences-society relationships
Professional experience and studies
- Since 2020 : Associate professor at Isara (Agroecology & Environment Unit).
- 2020 :PhD in agronomic sciences, from the French Agricultural, Veterinary and Forestry Institute (IAVFF – AgroParisTech) : « Functional characterization and performances of a perennial grain (Thinopyrum intermedium) as an agroecological option for western European cropping systems.»
- 2016 :Master degree in agriculture and environment (ISARA)
Latest publications
Journal articles
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- Laura Fagnant, Olivier Duchene, Florian Celette, Benjamin Dumont. Maintaining grain yield of Th. intermedium across stand age through constant spike fertility and spike density: understanding its response to various agronomic managements. European Journal of Agronomy, 2024, 152, pp.127038. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2023.127038⟩. ⟨hal-04304106⟩
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- Christelle Ginot, Camille Bathellier, Christophe David, Walter a H Rossing, Florian Celette, et al.. Introducing intermediate wheatgrass as a perennial grain crop into farming systems: insights into the decision-making process of pioneer farmers. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2024, 44 (6), pp.58. ⟨10.1007/s13593-024-00993-1⟩. ⟨hal-04772497⟩
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- Fagnant Laura, Olivier Duchene, Bindelle Jérôme, Beckers Yves, Decruyenaere Virginie, et al.. Forage potential of Thinopyrum intermedium through near‐infrared spectrometry and grown in mixture with various legumes. Grass and Forage Science, 2024, ⟨10.1111/GFS.12684⟩. ⟨hal-04639032⟩
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- Lee R Dehaan, James A Anderson, Prabin Bajgain, Andrea Basche, Douglas J Cattani, et al.. Discussion: Prioritize perennial grain development for sustainable food production and environmental benefits. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 895, pp.164975. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164975⟩. ⟨hal-04145160⟩
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- Olivier Duchene, Camille Bathellier, Benjamin Dumont, Christophe David, Florian Celette. Weed community shifts during the aging of perennial intermediate wheatgrass crops harvested for grain in arable fields. European Journal of Agronomy, 2023, 143, pp.126721. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2022.126721⟩. ⟨hal-03892614⟩
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- Olivier Duchene, Yvan Capowiez, Jean-François Vian, Vincent Ducasse, Adeline Cadiergues, et al.. Conservation tillage influences soil structure, earthworm communities and wheat root traits in a long-term organic cropping experiment. Plant and Soil, 2023, pp.1-37. ⟨10.1007/s11104-023-06273-3⟩. ⟨hal-04220617⟩
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- Laura Fagnant, Olivier Duchene, Florian Celette, Christophe David, Jérôme Bindelle, et al.. Learning about the growing habits and reproductive strategy of Thinopyrum intermedium through the establishment of its critical nitrogen dilution curve. Field Crops Research, 2023, 291, pp.108802. ⟨10.1016/j.fcr.2022.108802⟩. ⟨hal-03916213⟩
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- Sébastien Fontaine, Luc Abbadie, Michaël Aubert, Sébastien Barot, Juliette M G Bloor, et al.. Plant–soil synchrony in nutrient cycles: Learning from ecosystems to design sustainable agrosystems. Global Change Biology, 2023, 30 (1), pp.art. e17034. ⟨10.1111/gcb.17034⟩. ⟨hal-04344007v2⟩
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- Andres Locatelli, Lucia Gutierrez, Olivier Duchene, Pablo R. Speranza, Valentin D. Picasso Risso. Agronomic assessment of two populations of intermediate wheatgrass—Kernza® ( Thinopyrum intermedium ) in temperate South America. Grassland Research, 2023, pp.1-17. ⟨10.1002/glr2.12032⟩. ⟨hal-03930839⟩
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- Camille Bathellier, Olivier Duchene, Florian Celette, Christophe David. Céréales pérennes : quelle place pour le Kernza dans les exploitations françaises ?. Perspectives Agricoles, 2022, 498, pp.60-64. ⟨hal-03652971⟩
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