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The Professor Mathieu Guerin

Mathieu Guerin
Research Engineer and Teacher

Hydrochemistry and hydrobiology of continental surface waters, watersheds, GIS

Unité de recherche
Agroécologie et environnement

Key words

Hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, phytoplankton, cartography. Geographic Information System, watersheds, aquatic macro invertebrates, continental fish farming

Current projects

  • SEPURE : New strategies for the construction and management of pond production systems for sustainable fish farming (European Project FEAMP)
  • FISHMIX : New strategies for the construction and management of pond production systems for sustainable fish farming
  • PONDERFUL : POND Ecosystems for Resilient FUture Landscapes in a changing climate (European Project H2020)
  • FISH ACTION : Experiments for the optimization of the biological and piscicultural productivity of ponds and development of a decision support tool
  • Diagnosis of the ponds of Isère (biodiversity 2020 – Departmental Council of Isère)
  • PSE Program (Payment for environmental services) in Dombes. Preservation of water resources in fish ponds : quantitative (adaptation to climate change) and qualitative (diffuse transfer of pesticides) aspects (Rhône-Mediterranean-Corsica Water Agency).

Teaching activities

  • Chemistry (1st year engineering cycle)
  • Agrométéo (2nd year engineering cycle)
  • Farm-scale agroecology (2nd year engineering cycle)
  • Spatial analysis, GIS mapping (3rd year engineering cycle)


Professional experience and training

  • 2008 to date : Research Engineer and Teacher ISARA-Lyon
  • 2006-2007 : Project manager (UMR EQHC – Agrocampus Rennes ; UMR Ecobio – CAREN University Rennes 1). Monitoring the embryonic development of salmonids in an interstitial environment
  • 2005-2006 : Master 2 Diploma in Watershed Water Soil Research – Agrocampus Rennes ; CAREN Rennes 1 University



  • Benoit Sarrazin, Alexander Wezel, Mathieu Guerin, Joël Robin (2022). Pesticide contamination of fish ponds in relation to crop area in a mixed farmland-pond landscape. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ⟨10.1007/s11356-022-20492-8⟩. ⟨hal-03699647⟩
  • Marie Vanacker, Alexander Wezel, Florent Arthaud, Mathieu Guérin, Joël Robin et al. Determination of tipping points for aquatic plants and water quality parameters in fish pond systems: A multi-year approach (2016). Ecological Indicators, 2016, 64, pp.39-48. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.12.033⟩
  • Wezel, A., Guerin, M., Robin, J., Arthaud, F., Vallod, D. (2013). Management effects on water quality, sediments and fish production in extensive fish ponds in the Dombes region,France. Limnologica 43 (3): 210-218
  • Sarrazin, B ; Tocqueville, A ; Guerin, M ; Vallod, D. (2011). De la parcelle au poisson d’étang. Recherche de résidus de pesticides dans l’agroécosystème piscicole. Techniques Sciences Méthodes, n°12, pp. 49-58.