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Sustainable Development & SR

Working together for a sustainable world

The Isara 2022-2025 SD&SR label


Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SD&SR) are key in responding to the challenges that face society and the planet, as represented by the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Isara recently successfully renewed its SD&SR (Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility) label following the audit and decision of the Labelling Committee. Only around thirty institutions, universities and higher education establishments (grandes écoles) have received this label.

Isara’s SD&SR approach is constantly progressing.

To help achieve the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), what are the strengths helping us go even further?

Framework principle
Isara’s key strengths
Strategy and governance


SD&SR is at the heart of our strategic plan. Developed and implemented alongside stakeholders, the approach is proactive and integrative.

Support for entrepreneurs, the incubator and the accelerator are distinctive and help us stand apart.

Teaching and training



Programmes integrate SD&SR at every level, and development of the “student-actor” is being stepped up to better prepare Isara engineers. Working closely with economic and institutional operators allows us to contribute to a knowledge-based society in terms of sustainable development.
Research and innovation Our expert fields – Agroecology, Sustainable Food Systems and Entrepreneurship – give students access to new knowledge and skills. They impact and spread to the external ecosystem.


Our infrastructures, which are the subject of detailed assessments, are undergoing major improvements in terms of environmental impact.

The Isara site is becoming a forum for expression: supporting biodiversity and integrating into the local area and city.

Sustainable food is an area in which concrete achievements have been made, based on our expertise.

Social policy Integrating diversity, promoting equal opportunities, and valuing skills and talent all help create a positive experience for staff and students.

Support provided to students, in particular to help them get ready to join the workforce, is relevant and well developed: it offers undeniable added-value.


The school’s values and collective spirit encourage everyone to get involved: students, teachers, researchers, all the staff and key players at the Agrapole site.

Together, we can have an even greater impact. Isara is engaging all of its stakeholders more actively, in order to pool efforts and achieve even more.