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Agroecology: elements, concepts and transition

Publié le 06/10/2020

Our transdisciplinary research on agroecology investigate the different elements and interpretations of agroecology as well as developing different concepts and theoretical frameworks supporting a transition to sustainable farming and food systems.

This includes

  • Meanings, interpretations and applications of agroecology as a scientific discipline, a set of practice or a movement


  • Development of methods/approaches for agroecology research, in particular on agroecological practices
  • Development of the concept and definition of agroecological practices, also in relation to climate change
  • Development of the concept of “Mid-tier Supply Chains” as well as of “Agroecology-Territories”

Isara is also coordinating a new European H2020 coordination and action project “Agroecology for Europe “(AE4EU) for 2021-2023

Some references:

  • Development of methods/approaches for agroecology research, in particular on agroecological practices
  • Development of the concept and definition of agroecological practices, also in relation to climate change
  • Development of the concept of “Mid-tier Supply Chains” as well as of “Agroecology-Territories”
  • Paracchini, M.L., Justes, E., Wezel, A., Zingari, P.C., Kahane, R., Madsen, S., Scopel, E., Héraut, A., Bhérer-Breton, P., Buckley, R., Colbert, E., Kapalla, D., Sorge, M., Adu Asieduwaa, G., Bezner Kerr, R., Maes, O., Negre, T. (2020). Agroecological practices supporting food production and reducing food insecurity in developing countries – A study on scientific literature in 17 countries. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 76 p., doi:10.2760/82475
  • Vandenbroucke, P., Jabrin, M., Guirimand, L., Heinisch, C., Brives, H., 2020. Le territoire comme catalyseur de la transition agroécologique, in : Les Transitions Agroécologiques en France : Enjeux, Conditions et Modalités Du Changement, Territoires. Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, pp. 113–130.
  • Wezel, A., Gemmill Herren, B., Bezner Kerr, R., Barrios, E., Rodrigues Gonçalves, A.L., Sinclair, F. (2020). Agroecological principles and elements and their implications for transitioning to sustainable food systems. A review. Agronomy of Sustainable Development.
  • Sinclair, F., Wezel, A., Mbow, C., Chomba, S., Robiglio, V., Harrison, R. (2019). The contribution of agroecological approaches to realizing climate-resilient agriculture. Rotterdam and Washington, DC. https://gca.org/global-commission-on-adaptation/report/papers
  • Brives, H., Chazoule, C., Fleury, Ph., Vandenbroucke, P. (2017). La notion d’“agriculture du milieu” est-elle opérante pour l’analyse de l’agriculture de Rhône-Alpes ? Economie Rurale 357–358.
  • Fleury, Ph., Lev, L., Brives, H., Chazoule, C., Désolé M. (2016). Developing Mid-Tier Supply Chains (France) and Values-Based Food Supply Chains (USA): A Comparison of Motivations, Achievements, Barriers and Limitations. Agriculture, Vol. 6, n°3, 1-13.
  • Wezel, A., Brives, H., Casagrande, M., Clément, C., Dufour, A., Vandenbroucke, P. (2016). Agroecology Territories: places for sustainable agricultural and food systems and biodiversity conservation. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 40 (2): 132-144.
  • Chazoule, C., Fleury, Ph., Brives, H. (2015). Systèmes alimentaires du milieu et création de chaines de valeurs: concepts et études de cas dans la région Rhône-Alpes. Economies et Sociétés, Vol. 37, n°8, 1203-1219.
  • Wezel, A., Fleury, Ph., David, C., Mundler, P. (2015). The food system approach in agroecology supported by natural and social sciences: topics, concepts, applications. In: N. Benkeblia (ed.), Agroecology, Ecosystems and Sustainability. CRC Press, Boca Raton (FL). USA, 181-199.
  • Wezel, A., Casagrande, M., Celette, F., Vian, J.F., Ferrer, A., Peigné, J. (2014). Agroecological practices for sustainable agriculture. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 34 (1): 1-20.
  • Wezel, A., Bellon, S., Doré, T., Francis, C., Vallod, D., David, C. (2009). Agroecology as a science, a movement or a practice. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 29: 503-515.