Double degree programmes
In France and abroad
Isara offers the possibility to obtain a second diploma at a partner university in France, Europe or South America.
Double degree students can obtain two diploma at the end of their curriculum (with one to two additional semesters): Isara engineering diploma and the diploma of the foreign partner university (engineering or master degree).
5 double degree programmes ara available to Isara Engineering students with:
- The Norwegian University of Life Science: master-level double degree in agroecology (organic agriculture).
- Wageningen University (the Netherlands): Isara students can attend any of the 30 master programmes proposed in many sector ( MSc Agricultural and bioresource engineering, MSc Animal Science, MSc Environmental Science, MSc Aquaculture and Fisheries, MSc Forest and nature conservation…). This training is aimed to develop fondamental and applied research activities.
- The Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores of Monterrey (Mexico) : access to specializations in biotechnology, food technology, food quality, environmental science.
- The Pontificia Universidad Catolica of Santiago (Chile) :specializations in animal production, corporate administration, wine production and enology, forestry, fruit production and plant science.
- The Escuela superior de agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ) of Sao Paulo University (Brazil) : Agronomy, agroindustry, nutrition, biotechnologies, environmental science, animal and plant production.