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The Professor Benjamin Richard

Dr Benjamin Richard
Lecturer, PhD in Plant Pathology

Plant disease epidemiology, genotype x environment x management interaction, integrated crop protection, modelling

Research Unit
Agroecology and Environment


Phytopathology, fungal diseases, microclimate, decision support tools

Research projects

  • Developing adaptation strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on diseases of wheat and maize and food production in Egypt (2021-2023) – University of Hertfordshire (UK) and Mansoura University, ARC & ICARDA (Egypt)
  • AGRECOFARM : Co-developing agroecology MSc programmes in West Africa (2023-2025)


Teaching activities

  • Crop diversity, agroecology and perennial crops (Year 2)
  • Agricultural sciences: theoretical fundamentals, cropping systems, diagnosis, crop protection (Year 3)
  • Innovations and adaptation strategies in the wine industry – Developing integrated crop protection strategies (Year 5)
  • Agroecological transition of Mediterranean agricultural systems (Year 5)


Work experience and studies

  • 2022 – Present: Lecturer in Agronomy/Agroecology, ISARA, Agroecology and Environment Unit, Lyon (France)
  • 2018-2022: Vice chancellor’s research fellow in Plant Pathology, University of Hertfordshire, School of Life and Medical Sciences, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Hatfield (UK)
  • 2013-2018: Post-Doctoral scientist – Crop eco-physiology modeller on short rotation coppice willow, Rothamsted Research, Sustainable Soil & Grassland Systems Department, Harpenden (UK)
  • 2009-2012: PhD student in Plant Pathology, INRA (UMR IGEPP, Rennes & MIA, Toulouse – France) – Analysis of dynamic interactions between host plant development, canopy architecture and development of aerial (foliar) fungal diseases: study of the pathosystem Ascochyta blight/pea
  • 2009: Master in Environmental Sciences and Hydrology, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France)

Latest publications


Book sections


Bruce D.L. Fitt, Aiming Qi, Benjamin Richard. Chapter 9 - Environmental changes and plant disease epidemics. Agrios' Plant Pathology (6th edition), Elsevier, pp.259-277, 2024, 978-0-12-822429-8. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-12-822429-8.00009-1⟩. ⟨hal-04599412⟩
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