Our publications
The ‘HAL Isara’ portal gathers the scientific production of the community of researchers, research engineers, laboratory technicians and PhD students of Isara. Its goal is to open science to all our research disciplines.
Agroecology Publications
- Baldivieso-Freitas, P., Blanco-Moreno, J. M., Gutierrez-Lopez, M., Peigné, J., Perez-Ferrer, A., Trigo-Aza, D., Sans, F. X., 2018. Earthworm abundance response to conservation agriculture practices in organic arable farming under Mediterranean climate. Pedobiologia, Vol. 66, 58-64.
- Garcia, L., Celette, F., Gary, C., Ripoche, A., Valdès-Gomez, H., Metay, A. 2018. Management of service crops for the provision of ecosystem services in vineyards: A review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Vol. 251, 158-170.
- Debray, V., Wezel, A., Lambert-Derkimba, A., Roesch, K., Lieblein, G., Francis, C.A. (2019). Agroecological practices for climate change adaptation in semi-arid and sub-humid Africa. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 3 (4): 429-456.
- Hofmeijer, M.A.J., Krauss, M., Berner, A., Peigné, J., Mader, P., Armengot, L., 2019. Effects of Reduced Tillage on Weed Pressure, Nitrogen Availability and Winter Wheat Yields under Organic Management. Agronomy Vol. 9, n°4.
- Mansion-Vaquié, A., Wezel, A., Ferrer, A. (2019). Wheat genotypic diversity and intercropping to control cereal aphids. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 285 (2019) 106604
- Mortimer, R., Saj, S., David, C., 2018. Supporting and regulating ecosystem services in cacao agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems, Vol. 92, no 6, 1639–1657.
- Tasser, E., Rüdisser, J., Plaikner, M., Wezel, A., Stöckli, S., Vincent, A., Nitsch, H., Dubbert, M., Moos, V., Walde, J., Bogner, D. (2019). A simple biodiversity assessment scheme supporting nature-friendly farm management. Ecological Indicators107, 105649. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105649
- Vanacker, M., Wezel, A., Oertli, B., Robin, J., 2018. Water quality parameters and tipping points of dragonfly diversity and abundance in fishponds. Limnology, 19: 321-333.
- Vincent-Caboud, L., Vereecke, L., Silva, E., Peigné, J., 2019. Cover Crop Effectiveness Varies in Cover Crop-Based Rotational Tillage Organic Soybean Systems Depending on Species and Environment. Agronomy Vol. 9, n°6.
- Wezel, A., Goette, J., Lagneaux, E., Passuello, G., Reisman, E., Rodier, C., Turpin, G., 2018. Agroecology in Europe: Research, Education, Collective Action Networks, and Alternative Food Systems. Sustainability, n°10, 1214, doi:10.3390/su10041214.
- Wezel, A., Goris, M., Bruil, J., Félix, G.F., Peeters, A., Bàrberi, P., Bellon, S., Migliorini, P., 2018. Challenges and Action Points to Amplify Agroecology in Europe. Sustainability, n°10, 1598, 1-12. doi:10.3390/su10051598
- Vincent-Caboud, L., Peigné, J., Casagrande, M., Silva, E.M., 2017. Overview of Organic Cover Crop-Based No-Tillage Technique in Europe: Farmers’ Practices and Research Challenges. Agriculture, 7(5), 42; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture7050042
- Vincent-Caboud, L., Vereecke, L., Silva, E., Peigné, J., 2019. Cover Crop Effectiveness Varies in Cover Crop-Based Rotational Tillage Organic Soybean Systems Depending on Species and Environment. Agronomy Vol.9, n°6. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy9060319
Sustainable Food Systems Publications
- Brives, H., Wezel, A., 2018. Agroecology and sustainable food systems. In: Strassner, C. (ed.). A sustainable food systems guide, Germany, 38-40.
- Charbonnier, E., Brives, H., Debroux, C., 2019. La transition agro-écologique redonne corps aux métiers de l’accompagnement. Travaux et innovations n°258, 30.
- Clément, C., Vandenbroucke, P. 2018. Publicisation des espaces agricoles, mise en culture des espaces publics : un équilibre délicat entre arrangements informels et régulation publique. In : Rouget, N. ; Schmitt, G. Nature des villes, nature des champs. Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, 121-144.
- Debroux, C., Brives, H., Charbonnier, E., 2019. Les enjeux du conseil dans les collectifs en transition agro-écologique. Travaux et innovations n°258, 3.
- Fleury, Ph., Delclaux, J., Guisepelli, E., Heinisch, C. 2018. Du paysage de l’écologie à celui du développement. Mise en œuvre régionale et locale de la politique trame verte et bleue en Rhône-Alpes. Projets de paysage, n°17, 1-21.
- Heinisch, C., Fleury, Ph., Sarrazin, B., 2018. Agriculture et stratégie trame verte et bleue : élaborer et mettre en œuvre une politique dans les espaces agricoles de Rhône-Alpes. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, n°25, 38-43.
- Tourdonnet (de), S., Brives, H., 2018. Innovation Agroécologique : comment mobiliser des processus écologiques dans les agrosystèmes ?. In : Faure, G. (dir). Innovation et développement dans les systèmes agricoles et alimentaires. Quae, 71-80.
- Vandenbroucke, P., Canavese, M., Dacheux-Auzière, B., Grenet, M., Mouhot, L., Berthier, N., Melin, G., Pouvesle, C., Rémy, E., Consalès, J.-N., 2018. Derrière l’utopie du jardin collectif, la complexité d’un projet social, technique et politique. Géographie et cultures, n°103, 19-37.
- Wezel, A., Vincent, A., Nitsch, H., Schmid, O., Dubbert, M., Tasser, E., Fleury, Ph., Stöckli, S., Stolze, M., Bogner, D., 2018. Farmers’ perceptions, preferences, and propositions for result-oriented measures in mountain farming. Land Use Policy, Vol. 70, 117-127.
- Brand, C., Bricas, N., Conaré, et al. (Eds), 2017, Designing Urban Food Policies: Concepts and Approaches, Springer, 142p. [La première édition en français était en 2017 mais l’édition en anglais chez Springer est parue en 2019].
- Brand, C., 2017, « The french urban food issue emergence », Bolletino della Societa Geografica Italiana Roma, serie XIII, vol. X, Fasc. 1-2, pp. 67-78.
Microbial fermentation Publications
- Demarigny Y (2012). International of Food Science and Technology, 47 : 2469-2476
- Ly-Chatain MH et al., (2011). International Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, DOI : 10.1155/2011/54369
- Dalmasso M et al., (2009). Food Science and Technology International, 14 : 469-477
- Vera A. et al , (2009). Food Microbiology, 26 : 728-733
- Dalmasso M. et al., (2008). International Journal of Dairy Science,3(3) : 117-130.