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Summer School 2023

Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems

Next summer school : June 15 to July 13, 2023

Discover our Summer School programme in this video:

A comprehensive programme of French language lessons and scientific courses on Agroecology in English, excursions and hands-on learning opportunities in Lyon.

Summer School Flyer (Isara’s partner universities)

Summer School Flyer (Non-partner universities)


Our Agroecology summer school is open to international undergraduates in Lyon

Make the world your classroom. Perfect your intercultural skills while savoring the beauty of Lyon and what its surroundings have to offer. Student accommodation as well as Isara are in the heart of town, enabling easy access and multiple opportunities to discover different facets of the city.


Academic program (In English) – Sustainable agriculture and Food Systems

Coursework consists of lectures, case studies, field work, excursions (Fish pond landscape, mixed crop livestock systems in mountains areas and conservation biological control in vegetal production), usue of geographical information system, economics, agronomy and ecology, traditional food systems, local food supply chains, personal reserach study.


Lingustic and Cultural Program – French langage and Culture

Visits and events in 2023, program can change:

  • Lyon, UNESCO World Heritage site
  • Vallee du rhône Vineyards
  • Cheese makers
  • Regional companies & industries
  • Chocolate factory
  • Tasting and cooking of traditional French foods





Testimonies from American and Canadian students

Application and fees

The Summer programme is coodinated by the Polytechnic Institut of Lyon.

Application form is available on the IPL webside